Some sampling queries.
PREFIX : <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX model: <> PREFIX micavocab: <> PREFIX org: <> PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX dcterms: <>
e.g. direct sub concepts of D8 International Reporting concept with their `skos:prefLabel`
SELECT DISTINCT ?domain ?prefLabel WHERE { micavocab:D8InternationalReporting skos:narrower ?domain. ?domain skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel. }
domain | prefLabel |
micavocab:SustainableDevelopmentReporting | "Sustainable development reporting"@en |
micavocab:CorporateSocialResponsability_2 | "Corporate social responsability (D8 INTERNATIONAL REPORTING)"@en |
micavocab:ImpactBenefitAgreements | "Impact benefit agreements"@en |
micavocab:ToCommunities | "To communities"@en |
micavocab:InternationalReportingOfResourcesAndReserves | "International reporting of resources and reserves"@en |
micavocab:ToEmployees | "To employees"@en |
micavocab:ShareholderInformation | "Shareholder information"@en |
e.g. factsheets for D8 International Reporting domain.
SELECT DISTINCT ?factsheet ?title WHERE { ?factsheet rdf:type model:FactSheet; dcterms:title ?title; model:hasDomainConcept micavocab:D8InternationalReporting. }
factsheet | title |
:BackCasting | "Back-Casting"@en |
:CIA | "Cross Impact Analysis"@en |
:CLA | "Causal Layered Analysis"@en |
:DelphiSurveys | "Delphi Surveys"@en |
:DPSIR | "DPSIR Framework"@en |
:FocusGroups | "Citizens panel or Focus Groups"@en |
:GeniusForecasting-MinPol | "Genius Forecasting"@en |
:MindMapping | "Mind mapping"@en |
:MorphAnalysis | "Morphological Analysis"@en |
:RelevanceTree | "Relevance Tree"@en |
:ScenarioDevelopment | "Scenario Development"@en |
:SeriousGaming | "Serious Gaming"@en |
:STEEPLEDAnalysis | "STEEP(LED) Analysis"@en |
:SWOT | "SWOT Analyses"@en |
:TE | "Trend Extrapolation"@en |
e.g. factsheets related to sub concepts of D8 International Reporting domain concept.
SELECT DISTINCT ?factsheet ?title ?domainLabel WHERE { ?factsheet rdf:type model:FactSheet; dcterms:title ?title; model:hasDomainConcept ?d. ?d skos:broaderTransitive micavocab:D8InternationalReporting; skos:prefLabel ?domainLabel. } ORDER BY ?factsheet
this query retreives all the factsheets that have any domain that is a sub concept of D8 International Reporting as domain and gives the domain labels.
factsheet | title | domainLabel |
:2DPredictivityMapping | "2D - Predictive Mapping"@en | "International reporting of resources and reserves"@en |
:2DPredictivityMapping | "2D - Predictive Mapping"@en | "Sustainable development reporting"@en |
:LCA | "Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)"@en | "Corporate social responsability (D8 INTERNATIONAL REPORTING)"@en |
:LCA | "Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)"@en | "Impact benefit agreements"@en |
:LCA | "Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)"@en | "Sustainable development reporting"@en |
:LCA | "Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)"@en | "To communities"@en |
:MineClosureProcess | "Mine closure process (overview of different phases and actions)"@en | "Corporate social responsability (D8 INTERNATIONAL REPORTING)"@en |
:PermittingLicensingAtEULevel | "Permitting/Licensing at EU level"@en | "Corporate social responsability (D8 INTERNATIONAL REPORTING)"@en |
:PermittingLicensingAtEULevel | "Permitting/Licensing at EU level"@en | "To communities"@en |
e.g. factsheets related (directly or undirectly through subconcepts) to D8 International Reporting domain concept.
SELECT DISTINCT ?factsheet ?title WHERE { { ?factsheet rdf:type model:FactSheet; dcterms:title ?title; model:hasDomainConcept ?d. ?d skos:broaderTransitive micavocab:D8InternationalReporting; } UNION { ?factsheet rdf:type model:FactSheet; dcterms:title ?title; model:hasDomainConcept micavocab:D8InternationalReporting; } } ORDER BY ?factsheet
factsheet | title |
:2DPredictivityMapping | "2D - Predictive Mapping"@en |
:BackCasting | "Back-Casting"@en |
:CIA | "Cross Impact Analysis"@en |
:CLA | "Causal Layered Analysis"@en |
:DPSIR | "DPSIR Framework"@en |
:DelphiSurveys | "Delphi Surveys"@en |
:FocusGroups | "Citizens panel or Focus Groups"@en |
:GeniusForecasting-MinPol | "Genius Forecasting"@en |
:LCA | "Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)"@en |
:MindMapping | "Mind mapping"@en |
:MineClosureProcess | "Mine closure process (overview of different phases and actions)"@en |
:MorphAnalysis | "Morphological Analysis"@en |
:PermittingLicensingAtEULevel | "Permitting/Licensing at EU level"@en |
:RelevanceTree | "Relevance Tree"@en |
:STEEPLEDAnalysis | "STEEP(LED) Analysis"@en |
:SWOT | "SWOT Analyses"@en |
:ScenarioDevelopment | "Scenario Development"@en |
:SeriousGaming | "Serious Gaming"@en |
:TE | "Trend Extrapolation"@en |
the previous query can be written differently using a filter instead of a union, giving the same results.
SELECT DISTINCT ?factsheet ?title WHERE { ?factsheet rdf:type model:FactSheet; dcterms:title ?title; model:hasDomainConcept ?d. FILTER ( ?d = micavocab:D8InternationalReporting || EXISTS {?d skos:broaderTransitive micavocab:D8InternationalReporting. } ) } ORDER BY ?factsheet
In the following examples are presented SPARQL queries that exploit the `skos:related` links that exists between concepts (here domain and methods concepts).
To perform these queries we are using the dataset graph presented in the image below.
Q1: for a given factsheet `f1` (e.g. `FSD2`) find all factsheets concerning methods concept that are related to `f1` domain concept.
SELECT DISTINCT ?fsm WHERE { :FSD2 model:hasDomainConcept ?d. ?m skos:inScheme micavocab:MethodsScheme; skos:related ?d. ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m. } ORDER by ?fsm
fsm |
:FSM1 |
Q2: for a given factsheet `f1` (e.g. `FSD2`) find all factsheets concerning methods concept that are related to `f1` domain concept __or that are sub concepts of a method concept related to f1 domain concept__.
SELECT DISTINCT ?fsm WHERE { :FSD2 model:hasDomainConcept ?d. ?m skos:inScheme micavocab:MethodsScheme; skos:related ?d. { ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m. } UNION { ?m1 skos:broaderTransitive ?m. ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m1. } } ORDER by ?fsm
fsm |
:FSM1 |
:FSM2 |
Q3: for a given factsheet f1 (e.g. FSD2) find all factsheets concerning methods concepts that are related to f1 domain concept __or to a sub concept of f1 domain concept__ or that are sub concepts of a method concept related to f1 domain concept __or to a sub concept of f1 domain concept__.
SELECT DISTINCT ?fsm WHERE { :FSD2 model:hasDomainConcept ?d. { ?m skos:inScheme micavocab:MethodsScheme; skos:related ?d. { ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m. } UNION { ?m1 skos:broaderTransitive ?m. ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m1. } } UNION { ?d1 skos:broaderTransitive ?d. ?m skos:inScheme micavocab:MethodsScheme; skos:related ?d1. { ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m. } UNION { ?m1 skos:broaderTransitive ?m. ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m1. } } } ORDER by ?fsm
fsm |
:FSM1 |
:FSM2 |
:FSM3 |
:FSM4 |
Q4: find all factsheets concerning (directly or indirectly) a given domain (e.g. `Hibernating Stocks`) and for each factsheet find related factsheet (using methods concepts related directly or indirectly to the domain concepts)
SELECT DISTINCT ?fsd ?d ?fsm ?meth WHERE { { ?fsd model:hasDomainConcept ?d. FILTER( ?d = micavocab:HibernatingStocks_1 || EXISTS {?d skos:broaderTransitive micavocab:HibernatingStocks_1}) } OPTIONAL { { ?m skos:inScheme micavocab:MethodsScheme; skos:related ?d. { ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m. BIND (?m as ?meth) } UNION { ?m1 skos:broaderTransitive ?m. ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m1. BIND (?m1 as ?meth) } } UNION { ?d1 skos:broaderTransitive ?d. ?m skos:inScheme micavocab:MethodsScheme; skos:related ?d1. { ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m. BIND (?m as ?meth) } UNION { ?m1 skos:broaderTransitive ?m. ?fsm model:hasMethodConcept ?m1. BIND (?m1 as ?meth) } } } } ORDER by ?fsd ?fsm
fsd | d | fsm | meth |
:FSD1 | micavocab:HibernatingStocks_1 | :FSM1 | micavocab:InputsAndOutputsOfIndustrialProcesses |
:FSD1 | micavocab:HibernatingStocks_1 | :FSM2 | micavocab:EWE1 |
:FSD1 | micavocab:HibernatingStocks_1 | :FSM3 | micavocab:StockAssessments |
:FSD1 | micavocab:HibernatingStocks_1 | :FSM4 | micavocab:SA1 |
:FSD2 | micavocab:MiningWastes | :FSM1 | micavocab:InputsAndOutputsOfIndustrialProcesses |
:FSD2 | micavocab:MiningWastes | :FSM2 | micavocab:EWE1 |
:FSD2 | micavocab:MiningWastes | :FSM3 | micavocab:StockAssessments |
:FSD2 | micavocab:MiningWastes | :FSM4 | micavocab:SA1 |
:FSD3 | micavocab:Tailings | ||
:FSD4 | micavocab:DrillingMudsAndOtherDrillingWastes | :FSM3 | micavocab:StockAssessments |
:FSD4 | micavocab:DrillingMudsAndOtherDrillingWastes | :FSM4 | micavocab:SA1 |
e.g. all factsheets written by members of BRGM.
SELECT DISTINCT ?factsheet ?member ?firstName ?lastName WHERE { ?factsheet rdf:type model:FactSheet; model:hasWriter ?member . ?member foaf:member org:BRGM; foaf:givenName ?firstName; foaf:familyName ?lastName. } ORDER BY ?member ?factsheet
SELECT DISTINCT ?factsheet ?member ?firstName ?lastName
factsheet | member | firstName | lastName |
:2DPredictivityMapping | | "Bruno" | "Tourliere" |
:MineClosureProcess | | "Daniel" | "Cassard" |
:PermittingLicensingAtEULevel | | "Daniel" | "Cassard" |
e.g. all sheets written by Daniel Cassard.
add these prefix for defsheets, docsheets and factsheets
PREFIX person: <> PREFIX defsheet: <> PREFIX docsheet: <> PREFIX factsheet: <>
the query
SELECT DISTINCT ?sheet ?title WHERE { ?sheet dcterms:title ?title; model:hasWriter person:DanielCassard . } ORDER BY ?sheet
sheet | title |
docsheet:DepositsGroupsTypesBRGM | "Mineral deposits groups and types"@en |
docsheet:MineralDepositsMINATURA2020 | "Mineral deposits of public importance: the MINATURA2020 Approach"@en |
docsheet:SubstitutionCRM | "Substitution: the CRM_InnoNet vision"@en |
factsheet:MineClosureProcess | "Mine closure process (overview of different phases and actions)"@en |
factsheet:PermittingLicensingAtEULevel | "Permitting/Licensing at EU level"@en |